1. Where are Inscribe bags designed and made?

Our bags are designed in Sydney, Australia, by our founder Julie, in close consultation with our customers and our production partners in Asia. Julie lived and worked in Asia for over 12 years, so the decision to offshore production stems from her passion for and experience working across the region. Unless otherwise stated - (as a presale or out of stock item); our bags are warehoused in Australia, so you will not have to wait for a product to be shipped from overseas.


2. How do you collaborate with customers on the design of your bags?

We like to take R&D to new heights. In addition to using quantitative data to tap into the latest needs and trends of our customers; we like to work directly with a base of our subscribers, who opt in to give us specific feedback, which are sent out in the form of short, online surveys. For every survey that a customer completes for us, we will send a gift voucher to use towards their next Inscribe bags purchase.


3. When will I receive my order? 

It can take between 2 - 14 business days from the time of order to the time of receipt: 

  • Personalisation / Packing: 1-4 business days. (Depending on when you placed the order and if you choose to personalise it.)
  • Shipping: Between 1-10 business days from the time of dispatch (Depending on which shipping method is chosen)


4. What is your refund policy? 

We are happy to offer a refund in certain circumstances. Please refer to our refund policy.


5. Why don't you send a receipt with my product? 

When you make a purchase at Inscribe bags, you will receive a digital receipt via your chosen method of contact (email or SMS.) This acts as your receipt. Why do we not send receipts? Our bags are often sent as gifts, so customers often request not to include them. It’s also a small sustainability step. 


6. Do you offer Gift Vouchers? 

Yes we do! A gift voucher is a perfect gift idea if you're not sure what to buy, or strapped for time! Our digital gift vouchers are delivered directly to you; and are available in denominations of $50, $100, $150, $200 and $250.  


Common delivery FAQ's:

7. Where do you deliver?

At the moment we are fulfilling orders to Australia, Singapore, UK, NZ, Canada and the USA. 


8. Do you offer free delivery?

Unfortunately due to increased shipping costs we no longer offer free shipping. For more information on delivery costs & timings; please refer to our shipping policy. 

Is your question not answered here? Please don't hesitate to contact us.